Learn How To Report Elder Abuse In British Columbia

Use this Decision Tree resource to help you determine your Elder Abuse response plan. Do your research before you need to report elder abuse with this easy-to-use decision tree.

Report Elder Abuse Using The Decision Tree

CLICK HERE to Download your PDF copy of the Decision Tree

Learn howhttps://www.trustee.bc.ca/sites/default/files/2024-05/decision-tree.pdf to report #ElderAbuse in BC. Grab your own copy of the #DecisionTree and #BePrepared. Share on X

Report Elder Abuse

Research Your Contacts BEFORE You Need to Report Elder Abuse

Decision Point 1: Is this an emergency where the person is in immediate physical danger? Report elder abuse by calling 911. The police have information about getting connected to Elder Abuse supports.

Decision Point 2: Is the person able and likely to seek assistance? If so, choose from one of these actions for finding help:

  • Support the adult to connect with the BC Association of Community Response Networks. These networks exist in >160 communities in BC. Find listings for your community and connect with your local CRN:  www.bccrns.ca.
  • Call the Seniors’ Abuse and Information Line (SAIL) between 8 am and 8 pm. (1-604-437-1940 or 1-866-437-1940) Operated by Seniors First BC.
  • Call the Police non-emergency number for suspected crimes, risk of danger or physical harm. This information can be found via the BC Association of Community Response Networks (see above).
  • Contact Victim Link 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (1.800.563.0808)

Decision Point 3: Is the abuse, neglect or self-neglect related to financial matters or are assets at immediate risk? If so, contact the Public Guardian and Trustee. Phone: (Vancouver) 604.660.4444 (Victoria) 250.356.8160 (Interior/North) 250.712.7576 Website: http://www.trustee.bc.ca

Decision Point 4: Is the abuse, neglect or self-neglect primarily related to non-financial matters? Call a Designated Agency.